This special event typically happens the first Friday of every month (unless early release or holiday) Volunteers come and pop around 850 bags of popcorn to give out to all or our students at the end of the day. The kids get so excited about this and it makes the school smell so yummy. Volunteers are greatly appreciated for this ongoing project. Sign up to Volunteer!

Payback books are our biggest annual fundraiser and we need lots of help sorting and counting. We will have other smaller fundraisers through out the school year. All proceeds beneifit school and teacher needs as well as support popcorn Friday, field trips and other fun PTO sponsored events.

Teacher Appreciation
MAY 2024
PTO Loves to give Thanks to our teachers and staff. Teacher appreciation week is full of fun activities and treats to show our teachers love but we'd like to do even more. With more Volunteers we could show our appreciation once a month. If you'd like to take charge of this please let us know.

Box Tops​
Did you know that each Box Top can earn 10 cents for our school? That can add up to lots of money to help Glenwood!
Need ideas of where to find them? Click here!
Simply cut out the boxtops and keep them in a ziplock bag on your refrigerator or past them on one of these printable sheets
Check out the Box Tops App to help us earn even more!

Neon Glow Party
MAY 2024

Field Day
This is an event that staff and students look forward to every year. PTO loves to help and the staff at Glenwood so appreciate parent involvement. We need helping hands organizing games, and more. We'd love for you to join us!

PayBack Books
​This yearly Fundraiser benefits the school by allowing funds for staff and teachers, PTO sponsored events, Supplies, popcorn Fridays, field trips and more. We always need volunteers to help make this a fun and organized activity.

We've got spirit yes we do! We've got spirit how about you? Staff, students and parents love showing off their school spirit with cubby merch. We have merch for the entire family! Watch for our sales at school events or visit our online store to order yours!

Hearts and H.U.G.S
At this PTO-sponsored event we have fun activities for the entire family.
We ask that you bring a new H.U.G.S. item: Hat, Underwear, Gloves, or Socks to the event to be donated to those in need. There will be free coffee and cocoa, cookies for decorating, fun crafts for the kids, a photo booth, a bazaar to buy gifts for loved ones, and more!
Please let us know if you would like to help!

We help reunite lost items back to the students by sorting and hanging items and returning labeled items back to classrooms. Sign up to help