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Section 1: Name and Principal Offices

The name of the organization shall be:


Glenwood Cubbies Parent Teacher Organization


(Hereafter referred to as Glenwood Cubbies PTO) with offices located at:


Glenwood Heights Primary

9716 NE 134th Street

Vancouver, WA 98662




Section 2: Purpose

This organization is organized exclusively for educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The purpose of the organization is to further the efforts of the school in providing quality education for all students. The Glenwood Cubbies PTO will sponsor various events and activities that enhance the educational environment and support school goals. The organization will also serve in a liaison capacity maximizing communication between parents, staff, and administration at Glenwood Heights Primary School.



Section 3: Membership

The parents, guardians, and staff of students enrolled at Glenwood Heights Primary School are automatically regular members of Glenwood Cubbies PTO with voting privileges.  Residents of the Battle Ground School District living within the enrollment boundaries of Glenwood Heights Primary School who do not have children attending Glenwood Heights Primary School are encouraged to support the activities of their neighborhood schools. Such persons may be designated as Special Members, without voting privileges.  A close working relationship occurs between parent volunteers and the teachers, administrators, staff, and students at Glenwood Heights Primary School. Parent volunteers need to use the utmost discretion in discussing school-related matters of a sensitive nature.


No membership dues or fees shall be levied or collected by Glenwood Cubbies PTO.  Membership shall be afforded without regard to race, religion, national origin, sex, age, and mental or physical handicap.


Section 4: Basic Policies

The following are basic policies of Glenwood Cubbies PTO:

1. Glenwood Cubbies PTO shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan.


2. The name Glenwood Cubbies PTO or the names of any members in the official capacities shall not be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest or for any purpose not appropriately related to promotion of the objectives of Glenwood Cubbies PTO.


3. Glenwood Cubbies PTO may cooperate with other organizations and agencies organized and conducted for purposes similar to that of Glenwood Cubbies PTO.


4.  Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the organization shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or (b) by an organization contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).


5.  In the event that a board member fails to comply with school or Glenwood Cubbies PTO Policy  (within the school including the parking lot) the board will have the ability to remove said individual without involvement from the school administration.



Section 5: The Executive Board

The elected officers of the organization shall include the following,  but not limited to President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Director. They will be known as the Executive Board.  The term of the Executive Board shall commence the day following the last day of the school year in which they are elected, and continue through the last day of the following school year.


The Executive Board may:

1. Hold meetings at such time and place it deems proper

2. Appoint committees on particular subjects.

3. Audit bills and disburse the funds of Glenwood Cubbies PTO

4. Print and circulate documents and publish articles

5. Carry on correspondence and communicate with other associations

6. Employ agents; and

7. Devise and carry into execution such other measures as it deems proper and expedient to promote the goals and objectives of Glenwood Cubbies PTO and to best protect the interest and welfare of Glenwood Cubbies PTO.


The Executive Board will be comprised of the elected officers described below, along with the Principal and/or the Assistant Principal of Glenwood Heights Primary School.  The Principal of Glenwood Heights Primary School shall serve in an advisory capacity with voting privileges. All Glenwood Cubbies PTO written communication must be submitted to the principal prior to distribution.


At the discretion of the Executive Board, Event Committees with certain and specific functions may be created with the appointed coordinator of such committees expected to attend meetings (in person and through email) as necessary.


An executive Board member, and/or Event Coordinator, with the exception of the Principal, may be removed from office by a 2/3 vote of the General Membership present at a regularly scheduled membership meeting or at a meeting called for such purpose.


The Executive Board at any regular or special General Membership meeting may fill vacancies in any office arising from any cause by a simple majority vote of members present.



The duties of the Executive Board will include, but are not limited to:




1. Shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and shall have general supervision of the affairs of Glenwood Cubbies PTO.


2. Shall function as the primary catalyst to encourage involvement by parents in the organization and its general activities.


3. Shall act in the primary liaison capacity with the building principal, teachers and staff on matters of concern to Glenwood Cubbies PTO.


4. Shall be principal operating and administrative officer and shall possess the power to sign all certificates, contracts, and other instruments of Glenwood Cubbies PTO.


5. May call Executive Board and General Membership meetings at her/his discretion.


6. Shall monitor all activities of the Glenwood Cubbies PTO that are conducted in the school.


7. Shall along with the Secretary, keep a copy of all legal documents pertinent to the Glenwood Cubbies PTO.





1.  Shall assist the President as needed.


2.  Shall perform the duties of the President, as described above, if the President is absent or unable to serve.


3.  Shall participate in executive board meeting and provide input for decisions.


4.  Shall fulfill all functions delegated to her/him by the President and /or Executive Board.




1. Shall maintain Glenwood Cubbies PTO files and be responsible for all documents, records, and communications of the Glenwood Cubbies PTO.


2. Shall maintain a written record of all meetings of the Glenwood Cubbies PTO, including, but not limited to, those persons in attendance, motions made and voted thereon, and other business conducted and decided upon at such meetings.


3. Shall provide minutes for prior meetings to the Executive Board, have copies available at the next meeting, and distribute copies to interested parties.


4. Shall keep a permanent record of these minutes in a binder for historical purposes for five (5) years


5. Shall, along with the President keep a copy of all legal documents pertinent to the Glenwood Cubbies PTO.


6. Shall fulfill all functions delegated to her/him by the (President and /or Executive Board.




1.       Shall be responsible for transacting and recording the financial affairs of the Glenwood Cubbies PTO.


2. Shall maintain accurate and timely accounting of all monies received and disbursed by the Glenwood Cubbies PTO.


3. Shall deposit all funds into the accounts established pursuant to the direction of the Executive Board and shall be legally responsible for the proper maintenance of such accounts.


4. Shall report at all meetings on the financial status of the Glenwood Cubbies PTO including funds on hand, outstanding obligations, and all disbursements made since the last report.


5. Shall be one of two required signers on all checks and drafts against Glenwood Cubbies PTO funds.


6. Shall be responsible for reviewing and presenting Glenwood Cubbies PTO funds allocation requests at Executive Board meetings.


7. Shall keep a permanent record of all financial activity and fiscal records for five (5) years.


8. Shall comply with All State, Federal and Battle Ground School District guidelines that pertain to Glenwood Cubbies PTO as a charitable organization.


9. Shall fulfill all functions delegated to her/him by the President and/or Executive Board.




1.  Shall act as liaison between Glenwood Primary Staff and Glenwood Cubbies PTO.


2.  Shall participate in executive board meeting and provide input for decisions.


3. Shall fulfill all functions delegated to her/him by the President and /or Executive Board.



Section 6: Nomination of Officers

The Nominating Committee shall consist of three to five (3-5) members of the Glenwood Cubbies PTO.   It is recommended that the Nominating Committee include the Principal and at least one teacher.


The Nominating Committee shall begin meeting in March and shall present to the General Membership a slate of nominees to fill officer positions at the Annual Meeting that will be held in May. This slate of proposed officers shall be publicized prior to the meeting.


Nominations for any position may be received from the floor at the meeting. Elections will occur when a majority of the members present cast their votes for an individual nominated to an office. The new officers should, if possible, attend May and June meetings and will assume full responsibilities the last day of school.


In the event the Nominating Committee is unsuccessful in recruiting a candidate for a particular office, the newly elected Executive Board may appoint a Glenwood PTO member to that office.


Officers who fail to fulfill their duties may be terminated by a unanimous vote of the current officers.


Section 7: Meetings

The Executive Board shall meet subject to the call of the presiding officer and without prior notification of the membership required. Decisions will be made on the basis of a majority vote of those present.


Meetings may be held through emails and via text messages.


General Membership meetings shall be held at scheduled times each month during the school year, or at the call of the Executive Committee. The Annual Meeting shall be held in May. The meetings may be held in conjunction with other Glenwood Cubbies PTO sponsored activities or events. It is recommended that notice of General Membership meetings be made at least one week in advance by way of the school’s Reader Board and also placed in the school’s bulletin. Those members present shall constitute a quorum with decisions made on the basis of a majority vote.



Section 8: Fiscal Policy

All checks and drafts against Glenwood Cubbies PTO funds must be signed by the Treasurer and one other officer. Signers should not be related. Appropriate documentation shall be entered into the files, which details the purpose for which the funds will be used and identifies the authorizing party.


The Executive Board shall review and approve the annual calendar and associated budget for the Glenwood Cubbies PTO and submit it to the General Membership for adoption.


Additional expenditures not included in the approved annual budget shall be authorized as follows:


1. Individual member of the Executive Board may authorize and/or expend additional funds of up to $100 per activity. All such expenditures must be reported, with receipts, to the Treasurer.


2. The Executive Board may authorize and expend additional funds of up to $250.  All such expenditures must be presented at the next Executive Board Meeting as a matter of information with receipts of such expenditures given to the Treasurer.


3. All requests up to $500 shall be presented to the Executive Board. Such expenditures shall be reviewed and approved or denied by a majority vote of those present. Receipts from approved expenditures shall be given to the Treasurer. All such approved expenditures shall be presented at the next General membership meeting as a matter of information.


4. The General Membership must approve any additional expenditure of more than $500.  Receipts from approved expenditures shall be given to the Treasurer.

5. A minimum of 2,000 shall be retained in a carry- over fund at the end of the school year for use by subsequent Executive Committee.


6. Any and all financial commitments made are funded by the Executive Board dealing with the current year, shall be honored by the new Board and reflected in the new budget statement for the ensuing year. These commitments shall be specified in dollar amounts by the June meeting.


Section 9: Indemnification

The Battle Ground School district shall indemnify, protect, and hold harmless any officers, directors, or agents of Glenwood Cubbies PTO from any threatened or actual suit or proceeding as long as Glenwood Cubbies PTO officers were acting in good faith and in direct connection with a school related activity held on school grounds.


Section 10: Dissolution Policy

Upon the winding up and dissolution of the Glenwood Cubbies PTO, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the organization, the remaining assets shall be distributed to Glenwood Heights Primary School in the following manner. All funds designated for Glenwood Heights Primary shall be donated to Glenwood Heights Primary.  This entity is organized and exclusively operated for educational purposes and has established its exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


Section 11: Compliance

The Glenwood Cubbies PTO will recognize and observe all state and federal laws, regulations, district policies and procedures, collective bargaining and other agreements in decision making and operations.


Section 12: Amendments

Proposed amendments to these by-laws may be presented to the Glenwood Cubbies PTO in writing at a regularly scheduled meeting. Adoption of an amendment requires a simple majority of those in attendance and the approval of all officers and principal. All amendments must be consistent with school board policy and procedures.



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